Tuesday, January 5, 2016

I keep on living.

     I recently visited my Nana who had returned home from the hospital.  "People say, 'Don't rain on my parade.'" she explained.  "You ain't got no parade!  And God doesn't send down rain unless it's needed."  I laughed, but it's just another reminder among many to be appreciative for all the good things in life that we don't always acknowledge.  As of today, I have been alive for 32 years!  I received my diagnosis a little over 3 months ago.  There were moments at first that seemed to drag on, but time passes differently through the hour glass when you have unstructured, extensive amounts of it.

     People commonly use words like "fight" or "battle" in the same sentence with cancer, and I've been introduced to many folks that face what feels like assault from their illness every day.  They are the courageous ones.  I wouldn't say I engage with my cancer in attack mode.  Certainly my medicine does, but I experience my illness in a different way: I rely on the grace of God and I keep on living.  Patiently.  One slow step at a time.

     I'm thankful for so much today.  I have felt the hearts and hands of countless people!  As tired as I am of answering the question, "How are you feeling?"  I'm mostly grateful to have such a lovely annoyance in my life.

     That being said... instead of complaining about how cold it is outside tonight, maybe just thank God that you can feel it.